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Salone del Mobile! BallHouse di MARNI and the Rinascente windows!

Every year the International Design week in Milan welcomes the best of the craftsmanship made in Italy but also all around the Globe, and the best design makers make spectacular presentations that are worth visiting Milan these days!

Every year Marni makes a charity event and sale during the International Design week: the furniture made in Colombia or the skirts that have gained max rewards this year with fantastic dancing during the Ball in the House of Marni!

The wonder skirts are still on sale on the website of Marni

Meanwhile in the heart of Milan the windows of the biggest department store have been illuminated by thousands of lanterns and beautiful and strange images from the Design week

Источник: Salone del Mobile! BallHouse di MARNI and the Rinascente windows!
Теги: design Windows mobile best charity

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