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Robert Pattinson wears DIORCOMPOSIT 1.0 Sunglasses

It's been a while that Dior created the most beautiful space sunglasses that have won the best accessory of the season! Classy and futuristic they have a very strong impact and give a profound look to your eyes!

Already a House classic the Diorcomposit 1.0 have become a status for real Fashionistas! In the next season they are offered in different colors! Flat lenses, a slender metalic structure - all of it makes a striking statement! Add to all above the extreme lightness and you will have the new Dior must have!

A little bit of street style to add to the DIOR classic must have! Absolutely lovely in Paris!

Источник: Robert Pattinson wears DIORCOMPOSIT 1.0 Sunglasses
Теги: paris classic Sunglasses best dior

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