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On the Street…Bus Stop, Milan



So many people tell me that their favorite photos on The Sartorialist are the chic, old Italian gentleman.

They’re not easy to find, especially in a situation that’s shootable, but when you do find them it’s so rewarding.

Jenny and I spotted this guy at the exact same moment as we sped by in our car on the way to a fashion show in Milan.

We both yelled “did you see him??” We stopped the car immediately and I popped out to try and get the shot, luckily it worked.


As much as everyone says they love the chic old men I wonder what this breed will look like in 40 years…I hope he’s not wearing a knit beanie, a supreme tee, baggie shorts and dad sneakers.

Источник: On the Street…Bus Stop, Milan
Теги: Photos Milan fashion like love

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