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Magnificent Inspiration!

The Hot Spring of the Cannes Festival and The Moscow Flagship boutique opening seem to be quite not enough for  BULGARI - as the 1st of June they have made an incredible presentation of the High End Jewelry at the stylish Key Largo  villa in Port du Cap d'Ail - and it was an extravagant event indeed

Год змеи далеко и подарки на Рождество выбирать рано, но все равно не оторваться от красоты неземной, которую в очередной раз нам показал изысканный ювелирный дом БУЛГАРИ!

 Bulgari unveiled its new Magnificent Inspirations High Jewellery collection reminiscent of the blues of the Mediterranean, the pinks of a Roman sunset, the gold of ancient ages, expressed into three facets of inspiration: daring Italian Extravaganza, romantic Mediterranean Eden and mythical Roman Heritage. 


Amongst the international press, socialites and VIPs in attendance, the most noteworthy guests were actress Juliette Binocheshining in a magnificent Italian Extravaganza High Jewellery necklace, top model Toni Garrn wearing a Mediterranean Eden High Jewellery necklace, actor and Bulgari’s brand ambassador for watches Luke Evans, Chinese actress Carina Lau resplendent in a Roman Heritage High Jewellery necklace, model Matthew Bell, socialite HSH Princess Lilly zu Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg and star photographer Fabrizio Ferri.


Luk Evans

Juliette Binoche

Tony Garn

Источник: Magnificent Inspiration!
Теги: inspiration gold hot Event

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