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Бьюти-тренд: картины на волосах

Банальными цветными прядями уже никого не удивишь. Колористы изобретают все новые формы летнего тренда: окрашивают волосы во все цвета радуги и добиваются эффекта перламутра. Всех переплюнула блогер из Канзаса Урсула Гоф ( @uggoff), которая воспроизводит на волосах полотна великих художников.

Практикуется девушка, конечно, не на себе, а на клиентах. На их головах она рисует репродукции "Звездной ночи" Винсента Ван Гога, "Водяных лилий" Оскара Клода Моне и "Крика" Эдварда Мунка. "О том, чтобы "переносить" картины на волосы, я впервые подумала, когда мыла голову клиентке. Глядя на цвет шампуня, я вдруг осознала, как это, наверное, было бы непросто", – рассказывает Урсула Гоф. Так как большую часть своей жизни колорист занималась рисованием, она все-таки решила рискнуть и принялась за первую работу –и уже совсем скоро стала выдавать одну за другой.

I think I want to paint this on one of my dresses. #thescream #edvardmunch #screamhair #artonhair #finearthair #behindthechair #beautylaunchpad #americansalon #modernsalon

A post shared by Ursula Goff (@uggoff) on May 27, 2017 at 9:52am PDT

The usual Van Gogh #vangogh #vangoghhair#hairpaintings #artonhair #starrynight #behindthechair #btconeshot_unconventionalcolor17 #btconeshot_vibrant17

A post shared by Ursula Goff (@uggoff) on May 22, 2017 at 8:06am PDT

Впрочем девушка не всегда копирует оригинальный сюжет картины. Чаще всего она просто вдохновляется цветовой палитрой художника и делает окрашивание в духе той или иной работы.

Fine Art Series: I am sharing Van Gogh's "Starry Night" again for those who missed it, and also because I didn't originally publish any background on it. This is only one piece of a rather large body of work completed the last two years of Van Gogh's life, and Van Gogh himself was not impressed with it, never having any inkling that it would go on to become one of the most recognized pieces of art in Western history. He began it shortly after being admitted to the St. Rémy de Provence asylum, and it's largely composed of the view from his room, with the addition of a fictional village. Earlier in life, he had been very religious and had set out to become a pastor, but could never pass his exams and he struggled with his mental health continuously. He later abandoned religion, but still seemed to be searching for meaning and purpose, speculating that "hope is in the stars" - referencing the desire to experience an afterlife, perhaps in the stars or in another dimension. This desire stemmed from the fact that he had never been particularly happy, and suffered from depression, hallucinations, delusions, psychotic breaks, and a general inability to function, often trying to live and work on his own, but always failing, which would result in admittance to an asylum or going back to live with family or friends. He ultimately took his own life at age 37, dying from a self-inflicted gunshot wound that became infected. It could be argued that Van Gogh's mental illness fueled his creativity and made him a great artist, but even if that's true, his story is heartbreaking. It's hard for me to gauge if his enormous contributions to art were worth all the suffering this poor man endured. It's commonly believed, however, that suffering and art go hand in hand. What do you think? #art #fineart #vangogh #starrynight #starrynighthair #bluehair #yellowhair #postimpressionism #modernsalon #behindthechair

A post shared by Ursula Goff (@uggoff) on Jan 30, 2016 at 8:11am PST

Next in the Fine Art series is Girl With a Pearl Earring, by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. What is interesting about this color palette, along with many other Vermeer works, is his almost grandiose use of the blue tone (probably ultramarine), which was unusual at the time for artists, as it was a VERY expensive pigment, and Vermeer was not known to have made a lot of money in his lifetime. This pop of color against the warmer brown tones of the rest of the canvas give the painting a sense of newness, contrasted with the duller tones of most other paintings in the 17th century. It's also an excellent study in light and shadow, which Vermeer had an uncanny ability to recreate (it's been suggested that he may have had some help on that with camera obscuras or similar optics). If you want to see some of the earliest works of photorealism, look into some more of Vermeer's work, particularly "The Art of Painting" and "The Astronomer". #art #painting #vermeer #johannesvermeer #dutch #mermaidhair #unicornhair #rainbowhair #specialeffects #redken #redkenshades #behindthechair #modernsalon @bestcupcakemum

A post shared by Ursula Goff (@uggoff) on Jan 21, 2016 at 9:10am PST

Для создания полотен на волосах Урсуле приходилось работать в вертикальном положении. Так как это довольно трудоемкий процесс, блогер перешла на наращенные пряди. Кроме того, их не нужно мыть настолько часто, поэтому они дольше держат цвет.

Чтобы оправдать гордое звание самого креативного колориста, Гоф тратит минимум 10 часов на одну картину. Нам кажется, что с таким портфолио, она уже вполне может устраивать выставку.

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Источник: Бьюти-тренд: картины на волосах
Теги: art blue

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